China Life Group – Beijing, China
China Life (Tianjin) Senior Living Investment Company Limited
China Life, the largest insurance company in China with over 360 billion in assets, approached TRG in 2015 to assist in their new investment program: Building top quality specialty hospitals in their “CareGarden” initiative supporting “age in place” care. TRG was hired as the lead health care consultant for the 168-Bed Rehabilitation Hospital located at their flagship project in Tianjin. Tianjin is a metropolis in northern coastal Mainland China and one of the four national central cities of the country, with a total population of 15,469,500, and is also the world’s 6th-most populous city proper. The project in Tianjin consists of a site area of 74,000 square meters and a total gross floor area of 96,000 square meters.
Phases One–Three including the Feasibility Study, Business Plan, and Design Development was completed in 2017. TRG worked alongside the architect of record and the local design firm to create a hospital that will achieve both the JCI and CARF certifications. TRG is now moving to the Phase Four (Commissioning) scheduled to start in late 2018. The hospital plans have been approved by the government and construction will commence soon. The Hospital is slated to open in 2020.
China Life Group – Beijing, China
China Life (Sanya) Senior Living Investment Company Limited
In 2016 China Life invited TRG to participate further in the “CareGarden” program. This site was in beautiful Sanya. Sanya is the southernmost city on Hainan Island, and one of the four prefecture-level cities of Hainan Province, in Southeast China with a population of about 685,408 inhabitants, living in an area of 741.15 sq mi. Being a primary tourist location of Chinese nationals with over 30 Billion ¥ in revenue from tourism in 2015, it was a prime location to develop a Health Tourism facility.
This Project consists of a 5-Star accommodation, 100-Bed Wellness and Rehabilitation Services and a Senior Living Community. The site area is 112,000 square meters with a gross floor area (GFA) of 11,000 square meters.
TRG implemented began Phase One-Three in late 2016. The hospital designs were approved and construction started in mid-2017. Phase One–Three are wrapping up and Phase Four should commence in late 2018 with a hospital opening date of late 2019.

Los Cobos Medical Center – Bogota, Colombia
El Bosque University, a private university with a medical school, and Compensar, the leading insurance company in Colombia, have developed a joint venture to build a medical center in Bogota to replace El Bosque’s existing hospital. Los Cobos Medical Center will be a 300-bed multi-service medical center with ambulatory services.
TRG has been involved as their Clinical Strategic Advisor assisting the joint venture to develop the Strategic Plan for the medical center, designing the hospital to meet international standards, and providing clinical operational and staffing plans for commissioning. TRG has enjoyed this six-year engagement and is excited for the opening of the new hospital slated in the fall of 2018.
Beijing State Asset Management (BSAM) – Beijing, China
BSAM engaged TRG to assist in the design of a state of the art rehabilitation Hospital in Beijing. TRG partnered with TIRR (Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research Hospital), ranked in the top 3 rehabilitation hospital in the US, to provide the expertise and guide the architectural drawing for the new hospital. The hospital was subsequently built.
Bon Secours – Norfolk, Virginia, USA
DePaul Hospital
TRG was engaged to complete an efficiency study of their hospital operations in 2013. The evaluation included review and analysis of their daily operations, fiscal management and physician relations. We provided a final report that included recommendations for a more efficient service mix and a strategy to increase the effectiveness of operational management including process changes, staffing recommendations and coding improvements.
Hospital Sisters Health System – Springfield, Illinois, USA
In support of HSHS’s 2010 Capital Project Development Plan, TRG was engaged in 2013 to develop a methodology to size clinical and support components of the capital program in order to establish criteria for the ten hospitals within the system and assess the operational efficiency and effectiveness of operations. The evaluation included a review and analysis of the operations, fiscal management and physician relations.
Our final report included recommendations for a more efficient service mix and a strategy to increase the effectiveness of operational management including process changes and the application of clinical best practices.
Sentara – Norfolk, Virginia, USA | Albemarle – North Carolina, USA
TRG was engaged to assess the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the hospital operations in 2015.
Supreme Council of Health – Doha, Qatar
The Trauma Medical Center Hospital (TMCH) – Doha, Qatar
TRG principal Juanita Romans was engaged as the Chief Operating Officer to determine the need for a new 1,000-bed trauma center in Doha, Qatar. Juanita lived in Doha for one year working with the Supreme Council of Health, under the direction of Sheik Mohammed Ghanim Almaadheed. She led the development of a feasibility study, hired a team of experts, worked with the government on healthcare needs, and chose an architect for the TMCH. This project was put on hold as a result of the oil price crash in 2014.
Jaber Al Ahmed Armed Forces Hospital (JAAAFH) – Kuwait City, Kuwait
In 2010, TRG was engaged by the Kuwait Ministry of Defense to evaluate the hospital clinical operations of JAAAFH, a 250-bed hospital dedicated to the care of the military elite and their families. TRG partnered with MIPCN (Memorial International Patient Care Network) to provide clinical quality evaluation as well. At the invitation of Sheikh Jaber, Minister of Defense for Kuwait, the team conducted an evaluation of the healthcare services to provide to the military personnel and their families at the Jaber Al-Ahmed Military Hospital in Kuwait City, Kuwait. The Sheikh’s stated desire was ‘to have a hospital he could be proud of.’ He asked the team to determine what would be needed to meet that goal. The team was in Kuwait for nine days.
Mubarak Alghafi Family – Abu Dhabi, UAE
A TRG team of three visited Abu Dhabi in October 2011 to research the need for rehabilitation services related to the incidence of illnesses and trauma. The team had expertise in patient care delivery, inpatient and outpatient administration, design, construction and development of facilities that provide rehabilitation services. On-site observations and interviews with local physicians, health officials and families were conducted. A report documented the team’s findings and recommendations.
The world of healthcare is adapting to the ever-changing global community. This era is seeing creative innovation in terms of technology and healthcare implementation. TRG is poised to address the challenges associated with the needs of our clients.
We believe that people are still the most vital component. The partnerships and relationships formed are what will continue to result in positive outcomes. TRG strives, through successful collaboration and the common goal of excellence in quality healthcare, to count you among our valued partners.