Mock Survey
TRG can conduct complete or tailored mock surveys. These surveys can focus on specific programs or departments that may have had non-conformities in the past or that present the largest opportunities for improvement. We can give you a “top-down” survey tailored to your needs and provide a deficiency report to document non-conformities. We can also assist in clearing deficiencies found. In addition, while we specialize in the Physical Environment and Life Safety areas, TRG can provide full service surveys including experienced clinical and generalists with surveying experience.

Findings Correction
If your last accreditation survey identified areas of required improvement that need a jump start or perhaps a thorough action plan, we can help with either. This work can encompass a full report that provides a roadmap to necessary improvements or could proceed all the way through to development and implementation of required corrections needed to ensure a better result during succeeding Accreditation Organization surveys.

Safety Programs Review
Solid safety programs begin with effective and multidisciplinary risk assessments which we can provide. At each step of the implementation process we will involve your facility’s teams in all areas of the building and campus thereby providing an understanding of what is working well, what areas represent potential needs, and where there may be gaps or loopholes in existing programs. This will allow your facility to have an elevated level of confidence that a program that you implement or that we provide, adequately addresses all needs including workplace violence policy/program, actual security staffing, physical security and documented risk assessments.


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